Posted by admin
Posted on April 14, 2019
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Tradeoff WikipediaA tradeoff or tradeoff is a situational decision that involves diminishing or losing one quality quantity or property of a set or design in return for gains in other simple terms a tradeoff is where one thing increases and another must decrease Tradeoffs stem from limitations of many origins including simple physics for instance only a certain volume of objects can fit Tradeoff Definition of Tradeoff by MerriamWebster a situation in which you must choose between or balance two things that are opposite or cannot be had at the same timeTrade off definition and meaning Collins English DictionaryA tradeoff is a situation where you make a compromise between two things or where you exchange all or part of one thing for another journalismTradeoff WikipediaIn economia un tradeoff o trade off è una situazione che implica una scelta tra due o più possibilità in cui la perdita di valore di una costituisce un aumento di valore in unaltra Il termine è espresso talvolta come costo opportunità riferendosi a più alternative alle quali si è preferito rinunciare a vantaggio di unaltra scelta Trade Off the best free videos on internet 100 freeTradeoff Wikipedia la enciclopedia libreTradeoff o simplemente tradeoff en castellano solución de compromiso tal como se usa en ingeniería y diseño en Europa aunque en otros ámbitos y lugares puede ser usado en inglés o traducido como sacrificio es la decisión tomada en una situación en la cual se debe perder cierta cualidad a cambio de otra cualidad Un tradeoff se puede dar por varias razones entre ellas por simples Sensitivity and specificity WikipediaSensitivity and specificity are statistical measures of the performance of a binary classification test also known in statistics as a classification function that are widely used in medicine Sensitivity also called the true positive rate the recall or probability of detection in some fields measures the proportion of actual positives that are correctly identified as such the Tradeoff – WikipediaTradeoff englisch trade off „tauschen“ chbeziehung beschreibt im Allgemeinen eine gegenläufige Abhängigkeit Wird das eine besser wird zugleich das andere schlechter siehe auch umgekehrte Proportionalität Darüber hinaus beschreibt der Ausdruck auch Bemühungen gut abzuwägenÜbersetzt wird Tradeoff in diesem Kontext mit KostenNutzenAbwägung Kompromiss und Tradeoff Sliders AtlassianA little tradeoff ysis goes a long way Run the Tradeoff Sliders play early in your project so team members can make decisions autonomouslyTradeoff Wikipedia den frie encyklopædiTradeoff er det samme som afvejning mellem typisk to forhold og betegner indenfor økonomisk teori det faktum at man ikke kan gøre alting på en gang men at man bliver nødt til at vælge mellem forskellige ting eller eventuelt et kompromis mellem dem Mange står for eksempel overfor et tradeoff mellem at bruge tid på venner og familie og at bruge tid på jobbet
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